Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas and Snowshoeing in Millcreek Canyon

So it's been a while since we last posted! I think it's going to be one of my new years resolutions to update the blog once a month or so. I hope I can keep up with that. This Christmas was wonderful! We received so many wonderful gifts, but we still believe the best gift is to have family so close to celebrate and spend time with. Here are some pictures of all the fun we had this Christmas...

On New Years Day we woke up and went snowshoeing. This was the first time Sammy had been out to play in the snow. We were excited and anxious to see how he would do and he did GREAT!! He was smiling the entire time! We finally got some use out of our baby carrier pack. We were surprised he even wanted to ride, but he smiled every moment! He kept pointing to trees and saying "What's that" and showing us all the scenery. It's really fun to see the same old thing through new eyes.

When we got to the top, we stopped for a little snowball fight! Sammy joined right in! His uncle Colby handed him snowballs and he threw them as far as he could.

Back at the bottom of the trail, we stopped for a little bit of sledding. This was Sammy's favorite part!! He giggled the whole way down!! We all couldn't stop smiling! We hope the rest of the year continues just like today!!

1 comment:

Katie and Kyle said...

Looks like a lot of fun! We'll have to get together some time.