Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sammy came down with Roseola

The past few days have been interesting to us. A lot has been going on and we have been having a lot of fun. Chrissy did have her birthday on the 29th, so we did have a couple of parties for that. She got some great things from everyone.
Sammy did get sick we found out on Sunday. He had had a fever on Thursday and Friday, but it never got too high. He was chewing on everything, so we just thought that he was teething. Saturday he didn't have a fever, but Saturday night he didn't sleep. He was awake every hour for about an hour. It was exhausting to Chrissy and I. And we couldn't figure what was wrong with him. Around 6 in the morning Chrissy noticed spot on his head. So we though he might have the chicken pox. So we took him to the doctor to find out what he had. Come to find out he has what is called Roseola. I guess the signs are a few for up to a week then it just stops all a sudden and the kids get a rash all over their bodies. It only happens to babies to 2 years old usually. It was nice to find out that he was now on the tail end of it. Here are some pictures of Sammy for all to see. He looks like he has broke out in pimples.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Poor Sammy getting Roseola. What a bummer. We missed you guys at Grandma's birthday, but I guess you have a good excuse. I love all the cute Easter pictures you put up and birthday pics as well. So cute!

Love Ya!